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Epic   Fantasy   Friend   Funny   Love   Main   Nature   Other   Sorrow


Life can be wonderful,
As long as we remember to be kind to ourselves.
It is something so simple yet so rare.
Every day when we wake up there are already 1001 things going through our heads,
Things that seem essential.
However a book i once read made me realise that “what is essential is invisible to the eye” What’s really essential is that we are kind
And we are gentle,
To ourselves and our minds.
We are complex beings who can
And invent
But we also need to love and be loved,
To care and be cared for.
Without all of the above we cannot become our greatest selves.
We have to make room for self love,
Forget about catching up with work emails
Or answering your work phone.
This world is turning into one huge technological machine and we are turning into the cogs.
We cannot limit the excitement and joy just so the cogs turn and the machine works.
There has to come a time where the most important thing is you
, Us,
Put down your phone,
Shut your laptop,
Open your curtains,
The stars
They are so beautiful,
They shine despite the fact they are passed.
Their light shines to give us hope
, To help us dream,
Please look.
Now wait,
The stars have faded,
But now the sun appears.
Stop what you are doing and listen.
The birds are singing.
Can’t you hear?
But if you listen,
Really listen,
The birds,
They are always singing.
I know the cogs have to turn
And the machine has to work but how wonderful
To be able to stop
And look,
To stop
And listen.
How does it make you feel?

Published inMain


  1. Gosh I honestly do miss that sense of wonder. That may explain why I enjoy taking hikes and kayaking in the summer – to take in the scenes that technology has made us take for granted. I think that’s why I will always champion poets and their work. We see the world not simply for what it is, but what it could be. I see this as more of a spoken word gem than anything else. Don’t be afraid to let your sentences flow – your present structure takes nothing away from it, but letting your work breathe for itself only enriches it. Beautifully done!

    • That was exactly what I was trying to capture! Wow i’m so happy you got it. I always try and spend a bit of time just listening to the birds and enjoying a woodland walk, there really is nothing better. thank you for the advice, I will take it on board. This poem was a complete ramble and is completely unedited, but it felt most natural that way. Thank you for reading, enjoy the world 🙂

  2. This poem conveys a really important message that I hope I can make myself aware of everyday. Thank you for reminding me that the world is full of wonders, we just need to take the time to see them

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