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The World Halo Friendship – I

Radiance encircling the heads of Divine Lords is a vision
So bright and beautiful that we worship in awe and wonder!
Really the true and great are always bright and beautiful;
They give inspiration, encouragement and courage to all!
Good is great but bad is ever bad unless changed by miracle!

A true friendship sails smooth as ship on the ocean of life
That discovers treasure of gems in the deep sea for humanity
And happily anchors at the harbour of success without fail!
Grandeur of classical arts, music, dance and literature are rare
Now to enjoy and become great by the spell of the past splendour
Because they were destroyed by the barbarians of the past history;
Yet, the relics of the past inspire and soar all high to sublimity!

Like the knights of the round table of King Arthur’s court,
Like the intellectuals gathered at the Senate of New Atlantis,
Like the UNO, the modern version of the League of Nations,
Haloed friendships of world royal societies led golden ages.
Past halo friendships have changed into hollow friendships
As instead of hallowing they have halloweened the models!
Forsaking high principles, great promises and noble ambition
Modern friends seek material gains caring mind or spirit little!

Material progress is needed but where can we get mental peace?
So, for diversion they seek asylum is drinks, cards and dames;
Briefly civilization kills pain but not forever in the modern world!
So, sleepless nights due to night mares are common in modern life!
For, philosophy, vision and ambition are contrary to true nature
And search for sincere guides are high for rejuvenation of spirit;
But instead of changing life style they still continue same way!

Can one destroy Lord Narayana Temple in the morning
After hearing the Epic story of Ramayana all the night?
That’s why great empire and small minds go ill together!
Works of halo friends were quite remarkable in the past
And their victories in the battles have become immortal!
Past friendships of Krishna and Arjuna or Gandhi and Nehru
Or Einstein and Russell or Wordsworth and S.T. Coleridge
Have become immortal model halo friendships for humanity!

Even contemporary personalities of similar ideas are also
Friends though not they meet, see or talk in person in life!
For, they are the forces of halo friendship born in the world
To make cherished dreams into realities by their noble ideas!
Thinking high and living simple life is their way of life here!
They live in deeds and not in time the whole of their life!
They are born to fulfil the destiny, the mission of their life
That they are well conscious of and carry out duties as dharma!

Individual’s Dharma is not decided by birth but by one’s nature!
Halo intellectuals even rebel against tradition to establish truth.
Never easily appreciation and recognition would come to artists;
They never aspire for appreciation or recognition but perfection.
So also halo intellectuals struggle for not wealth but truth here!

Truth is bright, love is beautiful and their unity is perfection;
That really offers joy, freedom, peace and satisfaction in life.
Halo intellectuals aim for perfection in their natural profession;
They are neither passionate to make profit nor indifferent in duty;
But they finish targets one by one and fulfil life mission in time!
They are cultured persons capable of doing independently all
Effectively, efficiently and excellently both in pubic and private!
They chew the cud and eschew the mud in science, arts and politics
And follow modern versions of religion and philosophy in life.

Published inOther

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