I wish to run free
My soul unlock
Escaping these walls I’ve built
To keep you out
No one comes in
But no one ever leaves
Escaping these bricks
I’ve layer around myself
Brick after brick
And stone after stone
Built so high to the sky
That heaven touches the sides
Layer after layer
And slab after slab
Built so strong underground
The flames of hell
Won’t even see inside
It’s so tall and strong
But I’ll find a way through
With my soul still inside
And when I finally do
I’ll come and find you
And bury your soul
In this tomb
that I’ve built for you
I’ll lock you in
And let you fight
The wrath of hell
You’ve put me through
It’s a nice float to the top
Where heaven is about
But a fast fall to hell
And the flames all around
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