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What Am I Doing Wrong ?

By nature there are men who need to brag,
and treat their women as they would a simple rag .
They stray and sniff like wolves for foreign scent,
and marvel at the new predicament.
Because that’s what it is, though ignorance is king,
and all the peasants breathe the fragrance of a fling.
A cute young lady, shattered and with child,
naive but willing to consent, to be defiled
sobbed with a bitterness and pointed her whole hand
with index finger at the culprit from the land.
He does abuse me, it is horrible to take,
if for the baby’s future welfare and his sake,
would someone tell me how this misery evolved
and, more importantly, I badly need it solved.
He never stops to tell me what to do and say,
his best expression is the image of dismay,
there is no action that I master in his eyes,
I even fail in the extreme when baby cries.
He drinks too much and smokes expensive cigarettes,
and at the club he plays the pokies and he bets.
His skills of driving make me scream, perhaps I will
get my own licence and a permit not to kill.
He makes me coffee if I beg but it is weak,
and he expects of me to zip it and be meek,
he cooks huge dinners oversalted and too hot,
and scrubs the daylights out of every stainless pot.
At night he snores and all his carpet does emit
the smell of chemicals, his socks though reek of shit,
there is formaldehyde in all the drapes upstairs
the shower drain fills up each morning with his hairs.

I stopped the lady at this point to clarify,
and looked her straight and without malice in the eye.
You may be fit, I said, to frolic in the sack
but there is something very crucial that you lack.
A man may need the simple liberty to brag,
but he will never give consent for you to nag.

Published inMain

One Comment

  1. Since you unconsciously culled audible laughter, I’m curious regarding your title….surely you weren’t the man? That being the case, what’s the question again?

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