Finding you again was like discovering an old friend I’d lost long ago and reuniting was pure ecstacy.
You were the same girl I knew from before. Familiar, comforting, powerful and inspiring.
Holding out your hand to me like a parent offering a teething child a snuggy blanket.
An attempt at solace.
Rediscovering your light was like bathing in the Carribean sun.
Drenched, basking in fulfilment – familiar and soothing, yet stronger and wiser.
A fresh pair of eyes with the same aqua blue gaze, bearing deep into my soul- knowing all but telling nothing.
A reflective bight, harbouring my secrets-
We always were reticent.
Now you’ve returned to me I hold you like a mother holds the reins of their child in a shopping mall-
A priceless possession, daren’t to be rid of.
Precious cargo – that soul of mine.
Interesting piece of writing.
Nice job, my friend.
Hi again Rome! 🙂
Aww thank you so much. Really appreciate your feedback 🙂