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altro cielo io non ho

sotto questo cielo
un giorno mi hanno guardato male perchè ero seduta sull’autobus
è stato come uno spruzzo d’acqua gelata sul viso
ma la giornata era calda e allora

sotto questo grigio cielo
un giorno mi hanno detto che portavo malattie
era Inverno
tutti erano ammalati di fretta e di influenza
e niente

sotto questo grigio cielo di periferia
un giorno mi hanno gridato addosso
è stata come un’onda che mi ha travolto
mi hanno detto”torna a casa tua!”
questa è casa mia avrei voluto dire
ma loro erano in tanti
ed io ero da sola
e allora…..

sotto questo grigio cielo di periferia dimenticato
a forza di far finta di niente
si diventa


other sky I do not have

under this sky
one day they looked at me badly because I was sitting on the bus
it was like a spray of frozen water on my face
but the day was hot and so

under this gray sky
one day they told me that I was carrying diseases
it was Winter
everyone was ill with haste and flu
and so


under this gray suburban sky
one day they shouted at me
It was like a wave that overwhelmed me
they told me “go away back to your home!”
this is my home I wanted to say
but they were many
and I was alone

under this gray and forgotten suburban sky
by dint of pretending nothing happened
you become

otro cielo yo no tengo

bajo este cielo
un día me miraron mal porque yo estaba sentada en el autobús
fuè como uno spray de agua helada en la cara
pero el día estaba caliente asì que
nada …..

bajo este cielo gris
un día me dijeron que yo llevaba enfermedades
era invierno
todos estaban enfermos con prisa y fiebre
y nada

bajo este cielo gris suburbano
un día me gritaron en la cara

fuè como una ola que me abrumò
me dijeron
“vuelve a tu casa!”
esta es mi casa, quería decir yo
pero ellos eran muchos
y yo estaba sola
asì que…..

bajo este cielo gris de suburbios olvidados
a fuerza de pretender que no pasa nada
uno se convierte en

Published inMain


  1. Bongiorno Jaz, this is a distressing verse, which I’m assuming is about refugees. The last Stanza applies to all who are involved, not just those who are targeted. Should dint be removed? (by dint of pretending nothing happened – by pretending nothing happened)

    • Grazie, these verses describe fragments of discrimination referred to refugees and in general to those who are fragile and discriminated. Yes, “by dint” could be removed 🙂

  2. That last stanza is so gripping. Though we all have red blood and hurt, the unconscious have to find those they can pick on to take the attention away from their own faults.
    Gracias por compartir.

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