Bribes Published by Daisy on February 1, 2018Even when I bribe the judges Even when I know the raceI could practice till it’s perfect But would still come in last place Love Like Haha Sad Share:Published inMain All Categories:EpicFantasyFriendFunnyLoveMainNatureOtherSorrow 3 Comments J.E. romeQuick ‘n to the point. Great little limerick. IpreferfantasyThis poem reminds me of that statement: “No one cares unless you’re pretty or dying.” Well penned. JaridWell said. Like this concept and how straight forward it is.Leave a Reply Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment.
IpreferfantasyThis poem reminds me of that statement: “No one cares unless you’re pretty or dying.” Well penned.
Quick ‘n to the point.
Great little limerick.
This poem reminds me of that statement: “No one cares unless you’re pretty or dying.” Well penned.
Well said. Like this concept and how straight forward it is.