What is revenge?
A longing – an endless craving, perhaps a feeling sometimes we don’t understand.
Is there more to it, for Justice or for something greater?
You open you’re eye’s to see nothing but blankness, just a desire or even a hope.
Every step on that path you question ‘ ‘ Is this right? ‘ ‘
Even if deep inside, you know perhaps it isn’t.
The endless fear for your mistakes, and everything turning on you.
Even if, in the long run you realize sometimes fate will destroy you.
Just breathe, and let your soul open to the greater world.
Other people’s sins shouldn’t count for yours.
Just believe, and the wind shall flow your way.
I ment to cogent on this sooner..
Glad I came back to it.
There’s a great message behind this piece.
Excellent write, & read!
*meant to comment