A drunken dream
Reflecting waves of muddled light
Seeing your world from the bottom of a pool
Outstretched and floating
Halfway between bliss and death
Walking the brushstrokes
Dipping my toes in your burnt sienna
Drinking from the stained glass
Shards soothing my achy throat
Tracing the smooth limestone with outstretched hand
Reaching into my chest and holding
Blood radiating light
Reminiscent melodies echo off barren walls
My ears recall the bitter sting
Of songs once sung
Everything gently ending
Published inMain
This edges on the end of life and the thoughts of it, for me. I think we all take risks every day even when it comes to mundane things. On a whim, we may think about death and what it would be like but one gulp of water is enough to force us back into reality.