It’s 3 A.M.
And I’m at home, all alone
I’m wide awake
But I can’t move a bone
I think I just lost everyone
I used to know
I never saw it like this
When I was young
13 years ago
And I just can’t recall
When everything went
So fucking wrong
I wish I remembered
When it felt so good
To write this song
I built a castle in the sand
My mother told me it was grand
I couldn’t see the tide at hand
And no one was around
I had the whole world in my hands
My body’s so damn stoned
My head don’t feel a thing
But my heart
Feels like it’s made of flint
Hanging by a string
And I just can’t recall
How everything went
So fucking wrong
There used to be
So much to see
But now it’s all gone
I drew a picture of a man
I thought I’d grow up just like him
I felt like life had just begun
And I could be a man
It’s 3 A.M.
I think I’m crying
I’m finally burnt out from trying
I’m so high, I should be flying, flying, flying
I think I’m dying
I draw a picture of a man
I wonder what it’d be like to be him
And feel like life has just begun
So I can be a man
And have the whole world in my hands
Aww, hang in there. When dawn nudges you out of bed, square your shoulders and be the man, walking forward, even though your confidence feels like a ghost.
Thanks! I wrote this years ago in character—as such, it’s not literally about me—but some of it still drew on my experiences and emotions at the time, so I appreciate the sentiment.
Oh hello, old song I wrote years ago. I think this is actually an outdated version of it, but whatever.
I write my songs in character, so this isn’t about me.
Fun fact: The narrator doesn’t actually want to be a man, but is aware that the song comes across as if the narrator does want to be a man. Either way, the narrator is struggling to be a man.