I am walking in the street
It was early morning
Both sides are huge walls
They brushed it as white
as much as their clothes
I heard the crying noise
I cant see the inmates
they prevent me to do so
I stand at the big gate
They shout at me!
Go away all are safe
The wall is sacred
My legs lead me far
Walls are never end
only colours are changed
Then I saw the red walls
There also I heard
Insider`s weeping noise
They also shout at me!
Better to leave the place
All are secured here
My tired legs lead me
But the walls never end
The colours only changed
I heard the sound of cry
Inside the next green wall
I stand at the gate
They push and shout
We are their saviour
and all are safe here
I wish to see anybody in
But nobody allow me
I realised all are slaver
Under the crual saviour
I hold my hands in sky
To my beloved saviour
A little bird flew over
Singing her freedom song
And blessing me to break
To the painful huge walls
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