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at times the moon’s made to feel empty,
like she’s missing a piece

for they say she’s waning, waxing, a crescent moon
but it’s all an optical illusion, she is complete

like the moon, we go through phases
sifting illusions from the truth

we’re not what we’ve accomplished
but what we’ve overcome

Published inMain


  1. Thank you for reading and your SWEET comment. ☕️🥧🍩
    That’s hot chocolate & couldn’t decide between pie or donought so I got you both.

  2. Haha this is cool, l alwayz thought our phazez were more like ghostz haunting and possessing us in the form of moodz haha what if the moonz really the giant skull of a fallen nature god?? And thatz why we only ever see the one side, coz her halo was our worldz sunrise/sunset and shez still connected, and all life is just her spirit spread owt az she hauntz our world ha and that why the moon affectz the tidez too😊

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