I don’t why I amost fail typing in school
I guess I was too slow and kept making mistake
Like punching the “S” instead of the “A”
Or the “V” for the “C”
They passed me through because I was sick that year
But I am gaining ground with the computer
If I need to correct something, I don’t need
The messy Liquid Paper that got
All over my hands and took days to remove it
I can go back and fix it
Thank G-d, for that
I knew someone with the same problem as you
I tell you what happened, it may even be true
He also mistyped s for a, v for c
When you hear what happened, you might say omg!
He had a bunch of rubber bands which he wanted to get rid
He put them on EBay for people to bid
His intention was to put them up for auction
But he typed s instead of a, so they were put up for suction
No one understood what that meant
Rubber bands for suction? It didn’t make sense
But worse than that was yet to be
Because he mistakenly typed a v instead of c
He wanted to get rid of all those rubber bands
He set the bid price low, only 99 cents
He typed v instead of c, now no one understands
What is he gonna do with 99 vents!