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The Unheard Lament

Hello dear reader, I hope you enjoy my somewhat disorganized writing and thoughts, please take it as you will, it, of course does have some story behind it, although, I feel each person should apply it to themselves as they feel. Once again, thank you for reading, please enjoy.

Oh how daunting! They have named him wrong again! In the confines of their discussion, they easily discourse his name!

What! Do you hear the birds?! They resemble crows! Ravens! They chatter and caw, each picking at his organs, oh how putrid!

How he screams in pain! Yet they tell him his mouth, sewn shut, made no noise. 

They soon reach the verdict! Hung by his organs he sways in a wind from their chatter, chill felt to his bones, he still feels the ice in his blood!  

For privacy he cries, between the two! Long ago he asked! But no fulfillment for his hopeless requests! 

Oh! How they have wired his mouth shut! A court in which he has no rights! He cannot even point to make a voiceless statement, for they have cut his fingers off. 

He holds his hand out, offering to help, he grows tired though, it’s never grabbed, only dismissed, but still he holds it out! His body grows colder by the day… He must simply be for decor! 

How, oh how must he not feel anguish? Gutted he was! Simply put he may be a fish with no fins! 

Do thou hear the knocking? No! Of course not! Why would they!? He begs, oh a shrieking cry! “Let me in, I beg, I beg, I want to help!”. To no avail, they dismiss his requests, a play it might be! For they seem to fall on deaf ears, though they hear every horrendous comment he ever made.  

 Martyr! he is named again! Will he ever escape the infamy!? No thou shant! For now, he has truly been struck with the dagger… He rests, when will he awake? 

Published inMainSorrow

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