A sickening melody plays in my head,
I do nothing but laugh heinously,
I stand in my mind alone,
The black sludge pooling at my feet,
An attempt to walk is made,
But to no avail.
I stand, letting it consume me,
As the sky blackens, a deep red maroon emerging,
I no longer continue a recourse,
A smile, etching across my face,
A fate bound to happen, it reaches my neck,
I do nothing but stand there, it soon controls my actions.
As only spectators they watch,
In disbelief and horror,
Mouths agape,
Still I smile,
Not once hesitating in my soon actions,
Fully realized, they cry out, “No more!”.
I don’t hear it,
I don’t want to, nor a need
I just laugh, it filling the ever deafening silence
Heinously, with wickedness, and otherwise malice,
I laugh.
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