Oh, Halloween, night cloaked in wonder’s veil,
Where shadows dance and phantoms sail.
A time when moonlight whispers in the trees,
And secrets stir on an autumn breeze.
The air grows crisp, a shiver deep,
Waking magic from its year-long sleep.
Leaves blaze in amber, red, and gold,
As stories of ages past unfold.
Children laugh with painted faces bright,
In costumes sewn by candlelight.
They roam through realms of make-believe,
Where mysteries linger and ghosts deceive.
Lanterns glow, carved with care,
Casting grins that leer and stare.
Pumpkins guard each path and door,
Their flickering flames the ancient lore.
Witches cackle in the dark,
A cat’s eyes gleam with fiery spark.
Skeletons rattle, spirits rise,
Underneath October skies.
For on this night, all souls align,
The living and lost, the earthly, divine.
A hallowed hour where worlds embrace,
Flesh and phantom, face to face.
So come, be merry, join the spell,
In Halloween’s sacred, shadowed swell.
For this one night, let fears take flight,
And revel in the haunting light.
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