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Wayward Powers

I gained a power
I looked at a plant and saw a picture of what it was thinking
It showed me that it needed water
I watered it
Then it showed me that it needed sun
I put it in the sun
Then it showed me it was happy
and I was happy

I looked at a cat
It showed me that it wanted to play on the roof
I could not get onto the roof
But I closed my eyes
And wished with all my heart that it could be on the roof
And I gained another power
For the cat was suddenly on the roof
And it was so happy rolling around on the roof
Where it was warm because there was only sun
And I did not need my power to see that it was happy
and I was happy

I looked at man
I saw that he was hungry, so I gave him food
But he ate and was gluttonous and became unhealthy
So I gave him healthy food, but he would not eat it
I saw that he was lonely, so I gave him someone to love
But he quickly forgot his love, and they argued
They broke apart and so did his heart
I saw that he was afraid, so I gave him power
But he quickly used his power to dominate others,
so that they hated him and he was even more afraid
Whatever I gave him to make him happy,
made him even more unhappy in the end,
and I was sad

I closed my eyes
I clasped my hands in front of my heart
I prayed for I felt despair overwhelming me
Please, give me a way to make man happy
I prayed in the darkness of my closed eyes
Suddenly the city became still
and there was only the chirping of birds
When I opened my eyes, I saw that there was no more man

Published inMain

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