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Taking Back What’s Mine

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There’s this fire deep within.  Oh, I know it won’t be long.
It’s so hot…burning hot! I wonder what is going on?


There’s this passion deep within and it makes me wanna fly.
How this passion’s growing stronger, giving me a natural high.


As I stand upon my feet. I break the bars that hold me down.
Ever strong; no more weak. I’m standing now on solid ground.


On solid ground
I do stand.


All other ground
is sinking sand.


Heart of mine. Oh heart of mine! You have risen from the debts!
Grab my sword and shield to fight. I give my all. I do my best.


As I look into the rearview…the rearview we call life.
I see sadness there behind me, but behold, more in sight.


I was anxious, now at peace. Was depressed, now I’m fine.
I was sick, now there’s healing. And the joy I found is mine!


I was worried, now its past. Was stressed out, that’s gone to.
Instead of praying I would worry, wondering what is left to do.


I tried drinking. Didn’t work. Often played a game of church.
But I found it was no use. It was myself I only hurt.


Yes, I did the best I could being the best that I could be.
If I’m here, there, up or down you’ll think the worst of me.


I see anxiety, depression, worry, stress. See them all behind.
Can’t go down. I won’t go down! Perish the thought. I don’t have time!


Yes, this life is so hard living, but I’m ok. I shall be fine.
I am taking back my life. I am taking back what’s mine.

Published inMain


  1. Sounds like you’re in a swell state of mind, good optimistic read.

    • Thank you Robt. I have to stay in that mind set, I have no other option if I want to succeed. Appreciate your feedback,

  2. Jarid man.. once again your signature style comes in full blast and that’s why I keep coming back. Masterful write, bro – seriously this is undoubtedly one of my favourites of yours!!

    • Whoa… wasn’t expecting that! Thanks man! Honestly, didn’t consider this one of my strong writes, but you’ve given me the confidence I needed. Appreciate it!

  3. Such an encouraging, hope-filled write, Jarid! Some of the most beautiful poetry comes from past brokenness, but future wholeness. I loved your words. Good job,

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