To be scared was my initial reaction
Had to think about my every action
You conducted your ways in a manly fashion
But soon realized we had much of the same passions
Jealousy was my next thought
How are you so good?
We practically did the same things
But you were oh so good
From drawing monkeys on motorcycles
To writing a poetic love story
I paid so much attention
From me you had much glory
Idolization was next
Because you are in fact the best
So manly in form
But creativity bursting from your chest
Your heart
You loved me
You are my father
You taught me almost everything
Well money wise you didn’t bother
Teaching was your best attribute
And dad to thank you I salute
To you for being there
For teaching me how to become a man
But also letting me know it’s okay to be scared
I love you
Realizing that
I found this fact
That you were here to teach me
How to conduct
How to act
From shadowing you
Through these past 18 years
I learned how to write
How to write with tears
How to draw with might
How to sing with fear
Well fearless
How to speak English
How to make a mean dish
British breakfast yum that’s the shhh
How to catch a football
How to take hits and fall
How to get up and walk
How to be persuasive when I talk
You taught me a lot
More stuff I will never forget
Things I would want to pass down to my kids
You wrote me a poem that said simply this
“that I was an image of you”
It’s true
I found this odd but I have no limits
And I’m going to use your line
Because I AM your image
I love you dad.
I love you.