Don’t shed tears or weep
Remember at heart and spirit always keeps
I shall remain forever as your friend
This is not the real end
I shall always send my best wishes
The friendship may last long and not finish
We need strong bond to last forever
You may not be able to miss the grief however
It was in true sense real friendship
It has lost its way and can’t be reached to ship
It can be anchored at the bank without any trouble
There may be momentary setback as emerge the bubbles
The stars may not shine
They may feel bad and not feel fine
They may hide the face in clouds
We won’t be able to hear it loud
The moon has also lost its charm
It has not remained cool and lost its warmth
No one can dream of sad event
It lacks warmth and nothing to comment
Why are grieved at sudden loss?
Why do we question the wisdom line and cross?
It might have been unavoidable loss but certainly a reality
What is use of shedding tears all the time in futility?
Some of the losses are not easy to skip off from mind
His generosity were unique and only one of its kind
They may be with us for short duration
Still nothing can be matched or put any equation
Any human loss can not be compensated
You can’t remain aloof or isolated
It may eat you up from within
You may loose concentration and fall ill
There is no use to confine our self to a limited pain
It has to aggravate the situation and all will be in vain
It is better to carry out his mission and pay him homage
Spread his message of love and strengthen the bondage
It may be in real sense if we contribute a little
You may prove strong and Handle it with strong mettle
Everything will move on smoothly and get settled
You my be able to concentrate and it may not prove fatal
We may be good friends alright
We can’t go on indefinitely and mentally fight
It may not good on our part or we may be proved wrong
We re human beings and got to move and live among
Friends may come and go
We can’t them easily forgo
They may remain at our heart and occupy the space
It is friendship vassal that may float and race