Kiss, kiss and kiss without any hiss
You are gifted with emotions so not to miss
It is not be taken as affront and objected
It is kind of affection and shan’t be rejected
Loving father can paste it on forehead
The affection and love is clearly read
The message is loud and very clear
Parents have taken long years to rear
It need not be confined to its narrow meaning
It may construed as distrust and demeaning
How can we lower our image by confining?
Let us understand it clearly by defining
At every stage we nee d love and affection
It has got its own action and reaction
There is no addition or subtraction
It is purely accidental and with affection
Lover boy may offer it with flower
He may express it in rainy shower
I may be understood by only fewer
Still he may go in for clear answer
What will be exchanged in return?
Who will respond and reciprocate in turn
There may be feeling of desire’s burn
We have lot many things yet to learn
Think of mother’s love to her kid
We can certainly take a lead
We might have across many times and read
It must rest peacefully in our head
There is no parallel for expression of love
Have you ever seen the love expressed by doves?
They swim across the lake and raise the voice
They have free will and have every choice
We are human beings and have sense to express
We may enjoy all the time but cry in duress
There is feeling at every stage
We should try to come out of cage
Love and hate are different syndromes
One may not influence each other and overcome
One may lead to frustration and uncontrollable rage
Other may help you to over come and manage
Have you ever witness joy on boy’s face in street?
When he is patted on back and emotionally greeted?
He is not being given anything which is uncommon?
Bu it is the best form of love always given and known
How a person reacts to grief when faced with imminent death?
His body is shivering with fear of departure and lying of wreath?
He is totally engulfed with the thought of effects aftermath
How disparately his soul dips into emotions to take bath?
Love is precious thing God has bestowed on everybody
It has to be expressed at proper time and proper place with anybody
No one may mind if there is clear intent of its expression
Otherwise who bothers what is said and what is mentioned