I met him accidentally in a maternity home.
‘You came to see your wife & child? ‘
I said ‘No, I am a bachelor and do a research of motherhood’.
‘Very nice and it’s a great career, my wife delivered twins
A girl and a boy and it’s more than enough’ he replied.
‘My congratulations to you’
Oh! His shake hands what a strong clasp?
He is a very rare character and a chain-smoker.
He boasts that he smokes more than two packets a day.
Then I thought he must be an owner of a cancer reservation.
He offered me a cigarette and I said’ thank you I have already stopped’.
‘Wonderful! It’s good for health
And do you know where this smoke goes to? ‘
‘Really I don’t know’.
‘It goes straight to the heaven’.
Then I saw suddenly he was blushed.
‘My friend these all are chauvinism and what else?
I do believe only in humanism.
But one day a man dies like a stray dog
And he leaves all his cheap belongings on the road.’
nimal dunuhinga