I have to clothes to dress to impress,
But I don’t have the figure,
Nor the confidence to even try.
Whenever I even attempt to wear a skirt,
The kids at school talk down upon me,
Because my thighs are too big, they say,
Maybe I shouldn’t wear what I do.
My family compliments on how I’ve got great legs hidden beneath my jeans,
But what they don’t see is all the scars and bruises that are forever imprinted in my skin.
Some people ask me why I don’t wear make up,
I say it’s because it covers up the real you,
The real reason is because everytime I wear it,
I’m criticized on how much or how little I know about it.
I’m asked why I don’t just wear my bathing suit in the pool,
I answer because I have no self-confidence and I’m self-conscious,
That’s partially true,
The other part is that I’m made fun of for my arms and legs.
They always said that the pretty girls are dumb,
And the ugly ones are smart.
So, my family and my boyfriend say that I’m pretty,
Peers tell me that I’m not,
My mom tells me that I’m smart,
But I don’t think so,
Because I have to work extra hard to get the grades that I have,
Which are only the majority of B’s and C’s, maybe one A…if I’m lucky enough.