Be brave Of heart, My Battle weary Soldier; A lull is seNt to Dry
your Worried teARS. FAir weather wiLL arrive tOo aND save the day
Even if All else Fail wE ARe the hope of yearS gone by; wHo says
the Underling MAy Not excel? In Times of woe the happY heart may sigh
and Chance to ask a bOoN of Those Above; INSpiring THis old Earth
to riSk her coUrage and MOunt the Freedom FrEnzy, tAke the lead
The hoRSe rears up withouT a thOught fOr safety; We are Not THE birth
of WisdOms Rarest chiLD, WE are jusT the House of lIfe that’s tiNKering
with Shreds Of UndeRstanding, our toRch In darkness; Give us Holy arT
to bridge the gAp; and SavE us lest NeverenDing LESSons Do descend
And it is waY Too late to UndeRstaNd our endS. our savIor turNs aside The
lOst aNd opens up worn hearts even If salvaGed Hearts can’T see.
our VICe can’T hOld the stoRY’s BarEst Lenght thOugh oft eNouGh
we Sing aT hOpes of peace; THE fortress of the Bold shall wRest the bAttle
and Victory livE Beneath the brUTe hand of man; THus in Each single skirmish
Chance will favOr he Who stAnds his gRounD and bareLY Gives One INch
TOward their Goals: and the bRAVE Shall not be rounded up like cattle.