In Holy Awe Victorious Ever
KillIng DemoNs no mAn can comPrehend
PrEcious Dear VIsiOn aLonE Truth atoneS
Holy thE relIc Such dIviNe hoMilY
SooN Augments RarEST mOments Of darK clarity
How unEasy the ReSt UnDer DEaths fiNest hoUr
Never acKNOWledgING heAveNly Dreams of siN
O Well you beHOLD How whispERs IN Moonlight gleam
Young Lovelies do stArtle at lIfes Rippling stream
In time ForsYth lOve shall sUnder the Wicked
All Needless enTanglemenTs tOo soon Shall decrEE such
VaIn repOsitory LamEnTing thE seVERAnce
Goes agAIN in SilEnce to Liberate the taLe
Years Of UnceRtainty Shall hOpe redUce as weLl
TumultOus THE Days that rEVILe the soul
AND OpeNLY are TOld tHough the truth sIng but Mutely