It was a ribbon of crimson tied within her curls
That made her stand out to him from all the other girls
When she walked into a room all he could do was stare
At the girl with the crimson ribbon in her auburn hair
The childhood crush turned into a love that never paled
Her crimson ribbon was always worn from curls to ponytails
Then came his notice “Greetings, Your Uncle Sam Needs You”
They packed a life of love into those weeks left to them so few
On the day he was to leave she went with tears in her eyes
Holding each other, they didn’t want to say goodbye
He watched as she reached up into her auburn curls
With shaking fingers, that crimson ribbon she did unfurl
She rolled it and tucked it into the pocket of his shirt
Placing her hand over it, she whispered through the hurt
“From the time of our first crush, as love slowly grew so true
I swear upon this ribbon, I’ll love no one but you
“Through pictures sent her face he could always find
Not once did he ever see her with a ribbon entwined
Her long hair she kept loose and wild like her love for him
Reaching in his pocket that crimson bond to feel again
It was a call on the phone that made her heart beat anew
He was coming home to her sometime in late June
When he stepped off the plane she was right there in his arms
Crying and thankfull he had not come to any harm
He set her down gently, reached into the pocket of his shirt
From it he pulled a crimson ribbon tattered, torn with dirt
With shaking fingers he reached up and tied it in her auburn hair
He stepped back to look, but like the boy all he could do was stare