Where does the fanatics rule and hold the sway?
Why do they prefer to remain aloof and stay away?
Is their no ground or base to show them the way?
In near future we have no hopes for bright ray
They may be misguided by their mentors
They might be influenced wrongly by their tutors
It is difficult to believe and come to their terms
It is spreading all over as dangerous germs
It is playing havoc and innocents are killed in the streets
They spread the venom to people’s mind when they greet
Only few maybe misguided by their propaganda machinery
They may come to be known as merciless mercenaries
Their action can only be condemned in strongest possible words
It can’t find any support or place in this civilized world
The dark clouds are looming over the horizons
The world is divided in opinion and separated into zones
They can’t annihilate complete population
Their ideology may not succeed and is out of question
It can’t cut much ice and find good equation
It has nothing to do with present situation
They may hold ground for sometimes to come
They will never be accommodated any time with welcome
The popular will must prevail without any reservation
The horrendous path can’t lead to peace and salvation
The message is for to live peacefully and let others live
We can’t influence large people to make and believe
Any one who believes in His creation may feel some relief
That may also influence his living with good belief
They may term it senseless and imposition of forceful will
There is no thought of school in world that encourages you to kill
We are living in confused world and in dilemma still
The good thoughts are generated on large scale from wind mill
The old days have gone off and taken over by progressive thoughts
In olden days the wars were unnecessarily and waged and fought
What it has led us to believe and what good things it has brought?
We should not be trapped in controversies and simply caught
Peace can’t descend on earth on basis religious fanatism
It may lead to merciless killings and give birth to racism
World is already divided between white and blacks
We should do nothing to develop invisible cracks
We need to rule the world with clear conscience
Let every one pray and preserve its essence
We must observe and maintain its presence
There is complete acknowledgement with sense