Oh, to be a hermit
To live without this pain
Walking blind to those around me
All different, all the same
In crowded rooms, I’m all alone
Unseeing and unseen
Around people, never with them
My only friend is me
As I sit in my corner
I watch as they walk by
I am so easy to ignore
In plain sight, I always hide
If one tries to greet me first
I may greet them back
But I never initiate
So connections, I sorely lack
I had friends long ago
But they all deserted me
Now I find it hard to trust
Acquaintance, one could more than be
Yet here you stand, and I’m at peace
Not lonely or afraid
My trust, you could prove you earned
Your heart you freely gave
You hold my hand and give me hugs
I never thought I’d get
And when you could be anywhere
By me, you choose to sit
So as we turn to watch them pass
You’re not like the rest
Of all the people in my world
You surely are the best