There is a boat made out of stars
Beside a long slumbering king
And a glittering throne of gold
And a cross beneath a ring.
The mummy wrapped in linen
Has lapiz stone for eyes
All his earthly holdings lie
Nearby, or at his side.
The walls are fired in colors
With murals from his reign
Next to him, the sistrum
And earthen vessels contain
His organs, heart and liver
His brain is there besides
And other special flasks hold
Precious unguents inside.
His sister was a Priestess
His mother was a Queen
On holidays, they’d walk the court
And robed monks would sing.
They’d chant long life and praises
To the King and all his kin
Good luck for him in battles:
Their wish that he might win.
His victories were graven
In stone, around his tomb
His losses more uncounted
Each time the lotus blooms.