There are times in my life
when I feel I am falling apart.
Especially on days
whenever I cannot write,
whenever the words
don’t whisper in my ear
and the blank page
just stares blankly at me.
I feel then that I am
falling apart at the seams,
unable to connect with my reality
and each day becomes
a prolonged misery.
I want to do it, but I cannot
and the harder I try
the worse it seems to get.
It is in these times
when the world does not interest me;
my ebb is lowered like an outgoing tide.
Waiting for the moment
when the words will come back
and explode, as joyful fireworks
making me feel alive again.
It is at this moment
I have that blissful reunion
with my old friends’ words again.
15 December 2009