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Gents rushing to open doors
Lipstick on my coffee cup
View diamond shod ear in the rear view mirror
Amiga saying “Don’t ya know it Girlfriend!”
Crossing leg, and the swaying of an impatient ankle
Touch of my slip on my dresses interior
Face decorated with pink blush rouge
A deep voices saying yes ma’am or hello lady
Spotting toes adorned with million dollar red as I slip into bed
French nails that have never been to France
“May I buy you a drink?”
Heels clicking while I dance
His hand on and the curve of my back
Four Bics lighters spontaneously appear when I ask for a cigarette
hair to twirl while I ponder a great thought
A pink skin on my laptop

Feminine is a sentiment of who I am in my being
It defines how I move through the world
How I experience give to the world
It is not something I wear or dare to fain
It is the way and truth and light of my being
Without feminine I could not be me
