You ask me how I am
I say I’m fine
You nod like that’s good
And move on
You don’t understand
The difference
Fine is not okay
Okay is not quite good
It doesn’t matter if
My life is crashing down
I will always be fine
Ask if I’m okay
Fine is what I say
When I don’t trust you
Fine is what I am
When you don’t care
For a detailed answer
You don’t really want
Me to tell how I feel
You’re just asking
Because it’s polite
Fine is what I am
When I’m breathing
Fine is what I say
When I’m not dead
But that doesn’t always
Mean I’m alive
So it doesn’t matter if
My life is crashing down
I will always be fine
Ask if I’m okay
Okay is what I am
When I’m surviving
I have problems
But I’ll deal with them
Okay is what I say
When I’m nervous
Or minorly unhappy
But at least I’m not bad
It doesn’t matter if
My life is crashing down
I will always be fine
Ask if I’m okay