Why dose there have to
be pain and suffering,
war and innocent
people dying.
Husbands, fathers, uncles,
brothers, wife’s, mothers, auntie’s
and cousins, all dying
for you and me, for
peace and freedom.
Freedom to live one’s
live, the way we feel
right to live. For the
freedom to rise are
children, the way we
feel right. This is what
Canada fought and
died for, the freedom
to talk the way, we
see right to talk. The
freedom to walk the
way, we see right to
walk. The freedom to write
what, we feel we must
write. The freedom for
all people to walk,
down the streets with are
heads held high. This
is what France fought and
died for: the freedom
to do what they think
is right for them. The
freedom to walk, were
they want. The freedom
to go the places,
they want to go. This
is what America
fought and died for: the
freedom, to roam free.
The freedom, to feel
the wind in there hair
and the ocean spray
on there faces. That
is what men young and
old fought and died for.
That is what we as
a nation fought for,
FREEDOM, what so many
of us don’t even bother
to think about. I
hope that someday there
will be peace for all,
for all souls, for all
hearts and all minds. We
did not get here by
accident we are
here for a reason
that we do not know.
We do not know why
we are here, but I
believe it’s to change
at least one life in
some small way. Are reason
to be here, is to
find are self’s and God.
It’s to become people
with the freedom to
find are hearts and are souls,
were ever we may have
misplaced them, now is
the time to find them.
So tell some one you
love that you love them,
because you never
know were tomorrow
will take you, so make
today count.
Copyright © 2008 Janell Cressman