From child to adult, from one hood to the other.
We fought to be friends even each other.
A quarter of a century more than 30 years.
We shared adolescence, pain, joy, heart aches, love and tears.
From sneaking out at night, to running away together.
Oh, the things we did for love I will always remember.
Walking miles on end just to see you and say hi.
Oh, how quick the time has flew by.
We drifted apart like fall leaves off a tree.
Floating different directions looking for new scenery.
Our off spring sprouted, buds opened, flowered, our children grown.
Seperated now by new families and new homes.
Many years past, many people we’ve left behind.
Some of them forgotten, others have died.
We don’t like we used to back in the ole’ days.
Words left unspoken leave so much of nothing to say.
Empty promises we believed, we would make come true.
Got buried in time, from decades of morning dew.
Our sandglass half empty, our lives half gone.
Our children we leave here to carry us on.
As the wind blows and the birds fly,
As day turns to night, you always seem to enter my mind.
From life, death, to spirits, from hood to the other.
As Angels we will always; be friends forever.