GhOstly DreamS Our porTal to tHE otheR Land
Over the loWLands our eYEs foLlow thE Monstrous crEature
kNowing noT the lAws hoLding the Measure of his beINg
buIlt frOm remNants oF earth dOes he appeaR
MinED, his bOdy Fired by the suns furnaCe
this sLAve shall staY
a BEGgar he Is, but Never feelS The shackles
Only lives to do our Bidding foR all his days
nEver shAll THE TrutH cOnfront his thoUGHts
Breath woUld fail aT his Most mINOR transgress
hIs siN aborTs His borrowEd helPmate status
LeAving him oNce more
a Blot of dust merelY dooMed, An eterNity aS
soil Of Which meN Merely stand upon
takINg no further the Desire to be more
HEaven IS denied him muCh as the Other
humaN Conditions are concEaled from hIs eyes
VivisEction being the only future he is assureD of.