The year was nineteen seventy six,
our world the usual place,
Big Pharma needed a new fix
thus they prepared their case.
Hear ye, hear ye, a plague will come
it’s deadly to us all,
get off your big collective bum
the danger is not small.
The people who succumbed back then
one counts on just one hand,
but hundreds, children, women, men
keeled over, kissed the sand.
Again, the felons are at work
they groom their ample azzes,
Joe Citizen is just a jerk
let’s fleece these stupid masses.
The swine flu is a giant hype,
a putrid gas filled bubble,
they have a name for the new type
and say it spells much trouble.
To those who think to get the shot
I say please reconsider,
prevent the flu? No, it will not
just watch the highest bidder.
The dough that changes hands is huge
the profiteers are grinning,
the vaccination a deluge
the evil ones are winning.
There’s evidence sent to the court
that shots are spiked and loaded,
who are these folks, what is the rort
our faith soon be eroded.
The plan to mandate the vaccine
will maim and kill our brothers,
again the powers can be seen
to just ignore the mothers.
So let us stand folks and resist,
this scam demands a riot,
if necessary use your fist
we simply cannot buy it.
A force exists from far to wide
it does not have compassion
its goal again is genocide
it’s, once again, in fashion.