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heart disease

The grey winds of the storm
sweep confusion and destruction
through the trees and sky.
The storm in my heart is greater.
The once brilliant red insides
are now charred black.
The friendly beat is gone
leaving only a hollow tunnel sound.
The warm flowing blood
is now cold cruel crystals
tearing the once delicate veins.

Why? Why so much hurt?
You are the answer.

My once trusting soul
is now a writhing paranoid mass.
Pain fills my lungs like pneumonia.
My body is racked with spasms
from holding back choking coughs.
I can’t breathe anymore.

You see, I can’t let anyone see
how much I fear you.

It is I who am suffering from this.
It is I who deals with the pain.
Night after night
I awake to a sweat-soaked pillow
after fighting you in my dreams.


I hate fearing you, hating you.
Is there an elixir to kill the disease
that I harbor in my body?
Do I need a heart transplant?
Time and salvation should be my comfort.
This hate is a festering sore
growing, spreading throughout my body
until I find the healing balm of forgiveness.
