Isn’t you thinking about the person next to me
It’s made up of this recipe
About us choosing our destiny
I told you I’m sorry,
Please don’t cry
You mean the world to me
But I don’t see why
You have to bring other shit into what we say
But you lie
At least I try
You make me scream and fly
Like an eagle
I’ll piss on you from the sky
I’m that high
I’m right
That is my line
And I say it all the time
Even when
I’m wrong
I’m right
It’s kind of overwhelming, are you alright?
This is a recipe
I may mean more, but you don’t mean less to me
I tested you, now you’re testing me
And giving me time to think and spit
About our past relationship
I don’t know who’s next to me
Fuck I don’t know whose text this can be
Well I know but I don’t
Don’t doubt
It can have meaning in all my relays
But won’t
It’s about
My destiny is filled with time
As is yours
Time to be taken away
From both of us
Like chores
This a simile not a metaphor
For our lives
The easy way out was walking out the door
Fuck it
My life is rugged
People pulling me down
They tuggin
My life away
This is the easy way
To blame it on other people
On what they say
But how am I to accuse myself
When it’s too meaningful
Like now
It means too much
I have to put the blame on someone else
Whose trust
Is gone
You ask me who that can be
Yep, you’re the one
I hope you’re not jealous of me
I may fly high like an ea-gle
But I’ll fall cause I’m evil
Towards you
Not others but you.
I’m sorry, like I said before
Maybe the right thing to do was to walk out the door
I’m ending this
Cause I don’t have time
Or the power
To think no more
Destiny cannot be controlled
If I could, I’ll fly away from this world
I’m an eagle