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Shield us from the outside world
like wombs
they grow with us, and
nurture our dreams of life
on the outside.

Our protector; our superhero
like a raincoat, or
a condom.

Sometimes, we need to feel
to experience
to live
untethered, unhinged, unrestricted.

To feel the rain
a raincoat. To dance-
your skin
naked. your feet

To make love
precautions. To dance-
naked. your soul

Yes, it happens –
you roll the dice, and
get a cold. or
a baby. But
That is the price of

That is the cost of:
free. of
growing up, and
out, and
your mistakes, your chances, your risks,
your life.

Embrace each mistake.
Love each wrong turn.
Cherish each bad move.

It makes you who you are;
not perfect, no

Deliver me
from perfection.

Save me
from normalcy.

Keep me
from completion.

I am
Flawed. Cracked. Imperfect. Strange.
Yes. But in the world I see
I am

Where I came from, what I lived through, or
in spite of.

What I overcame, What I achieved, made me

starting over. new beginnings. remaking yourself.
You will always have that
little piece, of
where you came from. Like
a scar, or
a birthmark.

I say
make the most of it. Be
stronger because of,
better in spite of,
different, unique, special
as a result of. And
you will never need
an excuse, or
a reason, or
a cause of
why you are who and the way you are.

You are who you are, why you are, because you are…
the rest of the perfect society
the plastic people
the glass personalities
can go fuck themselves….

Because everyone has
skeletons, but
are just better at hiding them.

That doesn’t make them
It just makes them
the reflection
of perfection. Not
the real

You are real.
You are imperfect.
You are flawed.
I’d rather be
and original than
a copy
any day. A
mold breaker
risk taker
fun maker
move shaker…

Wouldn’t you?
