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Lady of Shallot, Role Model? I Think Not?

Many a years over and over
I read The Lady of Shallot.
In love with the flowing prose
in my younger years
never it occurred that Lady
she is one crazy fairy.
Now a liberated lady then was not a thought,
can not help but wonder still
why did she let herself be put asunder?

Though Tennyson’s work beautiful, I cannot deride
I just have to question why oh why
did she live in the tower without joy!
One must wonder why did she allow herself
shut up in that tower
sewing for every waking hour,
the people she wished to look upon,
but was permitted only to see in the mirror?

Why did she settle for a life of sewing
tapestries never to be hung in the tower,
where she was not even spare some company,
as she toiled from hour to hour?
Could it be that for the Lady
no one spoke of appreciation
for her contribution?
Neglect will make a girl kinda scary.

Her beauty unnoticed
her feelings neglected
until she felt that was her only solution?
To toil day after day
on a cloth she probably hated?
Did they take her expertly for granted,
though she does not seem to have ranted?
So passively going about her business.

With the magic of a fairy in her finger tips
how was she unable to stitch an escape
from her soulless mortared case?
Would she not have rather chatted
the towns people up face to face?
If in the mirror she saw hunky knights
riding two by two time after time,
why was there not at least one prim and proper
“Hey fine stud how about letting a girl outta here
we’ll see where it goes from there? “
Now that would have been like a woman!

And of her impetuous release.
Why did she wait for the passing
of the handsome bucksome fella
Lancelot to break loose?
Could it be he was just an excuse?
Certainly before she laid eyes on him
she had fantasized of being loosed!

Did she really think he would forsake
fair Guinevere for her,
with all her riches
fabulously shaped britches?
Really I think she was tired
of a life so austere!
I think that the verses state it quite clearly,
the girl had lust for him and fiercely!
His sexy plume on his helmet,
bells on his fancy ride
really did it for her inside.
Clearly horny and bored to stiff with the stitching,
she bust the mirror
took after him down the river,
like he was for her only.
She did forget one thing,
Lancelot was clueless
that she was planning on a fling.

She died right before at Camelot she arrived.
Froze her ass off in that boat,
floating all night singing her jive,
fled without even a cloak.
A nervous breakdown I think she had.
What did the love that she broke loose of that dive
have for her on arrival?
He jokes “she just another pretty face,
God has her now, oh well and how”
Then he pretended to know her name,
but really read it off the boat
just threw it out for show.
She though he was hot, but clearly he was not!

So why did she?
Not for him, to that theory I do not ascribe.
He was her excuse,
to escape the circumstance
she did not choose.
So if you’re a damsel in distress
because of your life you’ve made a mess.
Find an exit with a potential,
don’t use some lame guy to as essential
to break the pattern of your sewing tapestries!
You can be your own knight with shining armour,
with a sexy plume in your hat
bells on your ride
when you arrive you’ll be quite alive.
