Hard times give me the
Run around, Run around, Run around
Gotta pick back up or I’m
Going down, Going down, Going down
Got the message clear I’m
Going strong, going strong, going strong
Had the will to fix this mess
All along, All along, All Along
Cause I’ve changed my mind
I’ve changed my tune
And I’m feeling fine
Cause Life’s so good
Gonna leave the hard times
All behind, All behind, All behind
And go searching for
What is mine, What is mine, What is mine
Have it all worked out it
Feels alright, Feels alright, Feels alright
I’ll win this war I’ll
Win this fight, Win this fight, Win this fight
Cause I’ve changed my mind
I’ve changed my tune
And I’m feeling fine
Cause Life’s so good
And this life won’t keep me down
I’ll just climb back up and I will
find my way around those
obstacles you placed in front of me
Hard times give me the
Run around, Run around, Run around
Gotta pick back up or I’m
Going down, Going down, Going down
Cause I’ve changed my mind
I’ve changed my tune
And I’m feeling fine
Cause Life’s so good
Life’s so good
Yeah, Life is good