My eyes are closed, heart is open, and spititually listening.
I have hope, though it’s clouded by my very own iniquities.
Will the Lord judge me for my irresponsible actions?
Does he, see that I dress with passion,
and care less to impress with fashion?
The past is impossible to pass with our passive
minds that are selfish, instead of caring for the masses.
God is irrefutable, we hear it in the truth he told.
We either choose to believe, or forever be in fear controlled
by every puppeteer who steers our fate,
Im imperect, flawed in many ways, relate
to me, to be free you must believe in the Lord,
to be free is free, whether rich or you’re poor.
The teachings of his ministry, ease your misery,
Put away your own desires,
find God and solve the mystery.