He’s back again
I can feel Him Breathing
Hear Him moving
no one else knows He’s Here
I have to Fight Him alone
why can’t they hear Him
Feel His Evil
they must be deaf not to notice
He’s a Shadow causing pain
My Pain
He Whispers to Me
Feeds the Fear
I hear Him in the Dark
He’s loudest in the Silence
Not long now
He’s moving closer
teacher says i need to work
I’m Falling again
i nod my head
give a lame excuse
they believe me again
I know my eyes are clouding over
I’m not there
My body now is My Body Then
The Tears are old
I’ve Cried for years
Back in Time when He started
He has My Wrists
I’m held Down
My Fear is Overwhelming
He fills His Greed
The Pain is numbing
I can’t scream
It’s too late
What’s Lost is gone
I will never get it back
He Smiles
I Cry
now I’m back
they don’t know I left
He’s done for now
But He’ll be back
He never leaves
‘class dismissed’
i stand up
my eyes are dry
no one noticed
i walk the halls
He’s still Here
Following Me
I’m not alone
my peers don’t see
The Ghost behind Me
Reaching out
Grabbing for Me
i sit down
He Grins
Here We go again
they walk by
no one hears
He’s Laughing
I’m Screaming
no one sees
i don’t cry
I’m out of tears
i’m quiet
they wouldn’t hear
We’re not here
We’re just Ghosts
He’s not here
they can’t see Him
Always with Me
He never left
I’m just a stranger
they don’t know
i never talk
they stopped listening
they can’t hear
We’re Together all the Time
but We don’t exist
just two Shadows
can’t be seen
can’t be heard
He Reaches
I Fight
It Hurts
I Scream
But they don’t notice
Two Shadows
Loudest in Our Silence