Lucky you and lucky me
Sitting under shade of the tree
To add one more and make it three
World may look sound and almost free
Nice imagination with wonderful ideas
Trying to woo her with my honest pleas
It was not new but stored in corner of mind
Always searching for match but not to find
I found her anyway as lucky to be called
She had in past many initiatives stalled
I too was not desperate but followed with zeal
She relented and agreed later as it was real
One may not find suitable match at all
He may go on making frantic efforts or several calls
It may come all of sudden at an appointed hour
You may rejoice with joy and role on the floor
One dreams of change in life when gains adulthood
He or she is forbidden to look in neighborhood
He may find it luckily in near by place
He had to search elsewhere if not found favorable in case
Sometimes you are drawn at females with outer beauty
All may fascinate us with their beautiful face and look so pretty
You may be making full circle around the city
With a hope that it may result in reality
“Who can be considered lucky?” that may be known little later
It may prove bone of contention or important subject matter
The time may prove good healer and ship may anchor safely
The realization may soon take over sooner or little later
Luck may favor and life may move on with great speed
You may go for big adventure without any greed
It may be highly motivated and in accordance with need
You have full burden on your solder for family to feed
She may come to be known as lucky star
You may not like to remain away or very far
She may also prefer to stay by the side of you
She may try her best to remain companion true
Life is like two wheels of motor
It moves on water as simple floater
What we need most is to push it with efforts
Always remain faithful by maintaining good rapports
Neither to crate bitterness nor driving any wedge
Always to remain together by cementing the bridge
We hinge on bare thread and try to reach an edge
The relation must last long till it has reached an age
No one is lucky but credit goes to all
In distress we pull together by responding to a call
It may be joint effort that may bring smile
Life may just move on and not stop for a while