Delusional truth equals to inevitable lies,
Made to see, made to feel, not necessarily it is the truth,
You saw what I wanted you to see, alas, such ignorance dwelled in you,
You walked away hare-brained, the success laid its head on my shoulder,
Enormous amount of pride filled my chest; unknowingly another plan was transpiring.
Many sides to a story, I grew up accustomed to that,
A part of me got entwined in soul-searching amidst the practice of being evil,
Stressed out fact is that I never thought actions of mine misguided or miscalculated?
Betwixt passion and necessity, I drew a visible line, brittle one,
Shadows of the past knocked down my innermost desires, the line dissolved.
Master stroke of self-taken decision is always a clear cut, elucidated as such,
Yet, this heart of mine, beats to another composition, beats zealously,
Blearing the effectiveness of truth momentarily, fly-by-night
Master stroke is that, you reap for what you sow
You pay for what you did, thus the consequences follow by.
9th of April 2010