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Medeval Love

Tall, white and gorgeous as ever
As he runs along the sandy shore
His strong black as night hooves
Splash the salty oceans water away
The bright moon in the heavens above
Aluminates his skin like diamonds
His long wavy mane and tail flows
As he gallops gracefully
Never seen a horse so beautiful

But nothing compares to his rider
A knight out for a twilight run
No armor protecting his flawlessness
Just a sapphire studded, silver sword
Swinging about his waste
Shoulder length long blond hair
Flows in the wind created by the stud
And all I can do is watch in aw
As this perfect atmosphere unfolds

Unable to move, she makes the move
My midnight black mare steps forward
And takes me to my knight
I’ve waited to return from the battle
She moves with so much grace
As she gallops no sound can be heard
Only my scarlet red dress flowing
Could cause him to notice me approaching
As we draw closer under the bright stars

He turns his head as if expected me there
Catches a glimpse of black mare and red dress
And he jumps from his ghost white stud
I jump from the mare as she gets to him
And he catches me in his awaiting arms
He falls back holding me as close as possible
We hold close and greet with many kisses
And shed a few tears for his safe arrival home

Underneath the cool night sky
The black mare and white stud lay in a circle
My knight and I lay between their bodies
Held close in each others tightened grip
We drift asleep under the moon and stars
Nothing else could be more perfect
His safe arrival home after a war
And this cool night we reunited once more
