My eyelids flapped like
The wings of a frightened bird
At the sudden intrusion of
The long forgotten past,
Guised as an unbearable dream.
I squirmed with discomfort
Amidst the fair of humanity
When I happened to confront
My concealed primeval sins,
Embodied as a despised foe.
I succumbed like the heap
Of clay on the potter’s wheel,
And lost hold on my life
As circumstances seized it
And modified every facet
While I slouched in exhaustion
Fresh inspirations tiptoed into
My momentarily quite hall
And darted out in hurry,
Completely ignoring me.
Days passed unproductively
As agony snowed heavily on
The precincts of my stimulus,
Wordless and insensate, I sat
Staring at the barren white pages.