to reveal myself to you
an honest portrait
without anything hidden
lines of aging
you hold the secrets of my flaws
skin denied of perfection
yet you see the flawed beauty inside
the tiger growling howling scratching to hide
this beauteous moment
when we fell in to like
capturing our thoughts
naked and vulnerable there my soul lies
wonder why I can never find the imperfections as beautiful as you seem to
taken by your skin
to say I didn’t have a quick second of lust would be a sin
Immersed in this moment of accommodating emotion
to this I ask you
Why did you pick my ocean?
with so many others to sink your toes into
Just a taste of this quiet encounter
your lips pressed to mine
like sunshine greets the day
such rhythm and class your words whisper to me
of this elation you’ve caused
this gentle essence of a new appreciation for
your soul’s work dedication
to the evolved side of me
you so graciously choose to see
left in this moment of want
teaching myself new notes
to a song unfamiliar to my ears
Craving your skin
skin that I’ve never touched
wanting to let myself be free
soak into this reverie
Honest and ready to accept your flaws
Your skin glistening as my desire awakens
in our private moment
intimate enclosure
frozen in your stare
imagining floating on this positive vibe you keep on sending
with you my smile isn’t pretending