An educated man came by
and talked about humility.
And over tea and humblepie
I answered with hostility.
The tea was gone, so was the pie
when someone named Futility
joined both of us and told us why
we needed serendipity.
He was, I’m telling you no lie
the picture of civility,
‘make peace’, he said, ‘too soon you’ll die’,
it was a probability.
The smart man now let out a sigh,
sure sign of his nobility.
‘you must not oversimplify,
or lose all credibility.’
Then God came down, straight from the sky
in grand formidability.
I asked him when I was to die,
he gave me gullibility.
He’d brought a giant humblepie
and urged to live with dignity.
‘If humans would transmogrify
we could dispense with deity.’