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The clouds hid the light as I walked
Small glimpses of the sun were rare
The scent of rain hung in the trees
As the light posts passed me by

The gravel road looked endless
Numbing pain pulsed in my feet
Lava flowed through my arches
Rocks played tag inside my shoes

Up ahead I heard an engine
Choking dust, my spirits lifted
The road cleared, my heart subsided
As fleeting hope drove from my view

The lost sun a memory
I was dreaming and it was warm
Open cloulds, they gave me rain
A great smile grew on my face

That day my feet stopped hurting
The sun broke through the clouds
A shadow on the horizon
My saviour he had then arrived

All morning I followed him closely
I grew tired I stopped for lunch
He silently watched while I ate
In the heat of the mid-day sun

I got up and started to walk
Knowing that I didn’t need him
My chest expanding with each stride
Now he follows me

I never did forget him
I’d look back at him in awe
I watched him fade, throughout the day
And at dusk he disappeared
